On Wednesday (22/06), PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) through its subsidiaries and grandchildren engaged in infrastructure investment, namely PT PP Infrastruktur and PT PP Tirta Tanah Merah carried out the erection of the first pole for the construction of the Tanah Merah Drinking Water Supply System (SPAM) which will later apply a number of new technologies.
SPAM Tanah Merah located in Bekasi, West Java is a collaboration between Bangun-Guna-Serah (BOT) PP Tirta Tanah Merah as an Executive Business Entity with PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi, Bekasi Regency. The cooperation is in order to increase the provision of drinking water with a capacity of 200 liters per second (lpd).
The first erection event of SPAM Tanah Merah was attended by Bekasi Regent Dani Ramdan, PDAM Bhagasasi President Director Usep Rahman Salim, PT PP Infrastruktur Operations Director Satya Priambodo, and PT PP Tirta Tanah Merah Director Aan Hadiwibowo.

“The erection of this first pole is the beginning of the process of starting the construction of a Drinking Water Treatment Plant (IPA) for the provision of drinking water quality standard drinking water for the surrounding community in 2023. This IPA will later apply technology, namely using concrete material with a distribution capacity of 200 lpd equipped with a glass fused steel reservoir with a capacity of 3,500 m3. Automated operating systems using Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA),” said PP Infrastructure Operations Director Satya Priambodo
Meanwhile, President Director of PP Tirta Tanah Merah Aan Hadiwibowo said, SPAM Tanah Merah will serve domestic and commercial customers in the service area of PDAM Bhagasassi Lemah Abang Branch. Currently, PDAM Bhagasasi only has a capacity of 50 lpd and is targeted to increase to 250 lpd after this SPAM is built.
“PP Tirta Tanah Merah itself will prioritize the assurance of quality, quantity, and continuity. PDAM Tirta Bhagasasi together with PP Tirta Tanah Merah are ready to provide the best service in the management of This Red Land SPAM,” said Aan Hadiwibowo optimistically